If Jesse and I could renew our vows and have a brand new celebration, I would basically replicate Katie and Peter’s wedding.  From the amazing location (unfortunately, it’s a private home), to the intimate ceremony in the woods, to cornhole, to the BBQ style cuisine and mason jars for the champagne–it was exactly what I would do.  I would hire Cynthia Goodberry to do my makeup and Leon Littlebird to do my ceremony.  And I’d Leon to ask his Father to make the weather exactly like it was at “Katie and Peter’s” wedding.  I am not lying when I say it was absolutely perfect in ever way.  Katie and Peter are two of the sweetest people I have ever met and deserved every minute of this perfect day.  They will certainly go down in history as one of my favorite couples and they put together one of my all time favorites weddings.  Kudos, and Congratulations, you love birds!