Amy and John have been busy! You might remember them from their wedding post back in March…
We planned on doing some maternity photos in June, but little Grayden decided to come a month early! So life goes. I love this shoot. I love that Amy and John don’t need a tub of cheerios or a pair of wings to show off their beautiful baby boy. They appreciate pure family photojournalism and that is exactly what I gave them. Grayden was a little fussy and didn’t want to be woken up from his nap, or interupted from his snack to do photos, so I just stood back and made images of the three of them. John and Amy coddled Grayden and watched eachother love on him, and this to me, was so much more emotionally evoking than photos of Grayden’s feet… I love photojournalism when it comes to families because an image truly stops time. Grayden will have these images to look at in 20 years and realize how loved he was. And Amy and John will look back on these and see how beautiful life was, learning how to be parents, and falling in love with a tiny baby boy.