When kids hit 1 year old, it’s like hanging out with a miniature drunk. You have to hold onto them. They bump into things. They laugh and cry. They urinate. They vomit.” Johnny Depp
Obviously they are so much more—-but I thought this quote was so funny! 1 year olds certainly waddle like a drunk… But really, 1 year olds are great as they have started to develop strong personalities. They can’t always articulate what they want, but it’s easier to guess what they want, and they express themselves in the funniest of ways–tearing at diapers, throwing temper tantrums, running away from the camera… etc, etc. And I love that they are still too young to fake it. I adore 1 year olds! If only they could stay this age for 3 or 4 years…
I had a couple of 1 year-old shoots last week and thought I’d combine them to drive this 1 year-old thing home! I’m not normally gender specific, but wow—Sienna is such a little girl with her tutu and her dolly, and Owen is a boy on a mission with his dog. From completely different families, these little ones were both waddling darlings with only a few teeth, both 1, and both complete crack ups! More please…